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Challenge and meet the challenge, and strive to learn, catch up with and surpass, and strive to be the first

VIEWS: times Release Date:2022-08-30

The company held a ceremony of "challenge and challenge" labor competition









In order to improve the management level and work efficiency of the company


Comprehensively stabilize safety, environmental protection, production and operation


And personnel basic disk


Create an atmosphere of "comparison, learning, catching up and Surpassing"


August 30th


The company held a ceremony of "challenge and challenge" labor competition


Set off the upsurge of safety production and labor competition in the whole company









In this activity, four groups of representatives at the company level, workshop level, team level and project level were selected to challenge.









▲ company level: Huaqiang fertilizer industry vs. the second compound fertilizer company


The challenge representatives of each group walk to the challenge arena and clarify their goals and tasks; The representative of the fight is to fight with passion and formulate measures for the fight. From their respective perspectives, the representatives of the four groups challenged each other from various aspects such as safety, environmental protection, production, equipment, quality, cost reduction and efficiency increase, learning and improvement.







▲ workshop level: instrument workshop vs electrical workshop







▲ team level: synthetic machine repair vs compressor repair







▲ project level: ammonium bicarbonate production project vs two sodium nitrite ratio project



Their speeches were impassioned and passionate. They showed their determination to "roll up their sleeves and work hard" word by word, and showed the courage of Huaqiang people to dare to light their swords and win! After hearing this, all the on-site personnel were ebullient and applauded.


The trumpet blows, the battle drum blows, and the brave person is fearless and willing to sacrifice himself! All units of the company will share the same desire, overcome difficulties and forge ahead bravely, and realize the promise of challenge and challenge with practical actions!








Huaqiang Chemical Company has formed an annual output of 1.5 million tons of high-concentration ternary compound fertilizer, 1 million tons of urea, 800,000 tons of synthetic ammonia alcohol, 100,000 tons of organic fertilizer, 200,000 tons of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer, 300,000 tons of ammonium bicarbonate, 250,000 tons of hydrogen peroxide. 100,000 tons of dimethyl ether, 80,000 tons of sodium nitrate, 50,000 tons of melamine, 100 million color film woven bags, 100 million new wall tiles, 40 million square meters of high-end ceramic tile production capacity, sales revenue exceeded 6 billion Yuan is a top 500 chemical company.



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▲ project level: ammonium bicarbonate production project vs two sodium nitrite ratio project

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