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The role and use of bacterial fertilizer

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-09-23

In recent years, bacterial fertilizer has come into our sight, and its unique biological function is effective in improving soil and improving crop quality, and it is gradually recognized by farmers.

The role and use of bacterial fertilizer

What is the role of bacterial fertilizer

Bacterial fertilizer is the common name of microbial fertilizer, it is an auxiliary fertilizer with live bacteria. People use scientific methods to isolate and select beneficial microorganisms from the soil. After cultivation, propagation, and preparation of inoculants, these inoculants are used in agriculture to increase crop production, which is called bacterial fertilizer. Bacterial fertilizer is through the life activities of beneficial microorganisms, antagonizes harmful microorganisms, promotes the transformation of nutrients in the soil, improves the effectiveness of soil nutrients, improves crop nutritional conditions, and increases soil fertility.

The functions of bacterial fertilizer are as follows:

1.1 Improve soil nutrient supply

Bacterial fertilizer mainly promotes the dissolution and release of insoluble nutrients in the soil through various bacterial agents. Bacteria release a large amount of inorganic organic acidic substances in the metabolic process, promote the release and chelation of trace elements such as silicon, aluminum, iron, magnesium, molybdenum in the soil, effectively break the soil compaction, promote the formation of aggregate structure, and make the soil The fixed ineffective fertilizer is converted into effective fertilizer, which improves the nutrient supply, ventilation and looseness of the soil.

1.2 Promote crop growth

The use of bacterial fertilizer promotes the production of stimulants, regulates and promotes the growth and development of crops. The use of bacterial agents can promote the production of gibberellin, auxin and other active substances.

1.3 Enhance crop resistance to disease and stress

Some bacterial species in the bacterial fertilizer have the function of secreting antibiotics and a variety of active enzymes, inhibiting or killing pathogenic fungi and bacteria; a large number of field trials have proved that the application of bacterial fertilizer can reduce the incidence of pests and diseases and enhance crop resistance. Bacterial fertilizer also has obvious effects of drought resistance, cold resistance, lodging resistance, and salt-alkali resistance, enhancing the disease resistance of crops, thereby effectively preventing the occurrence of crop physiological diseases.

1.4 Increase output and improve quality

The use of microbial fertilizers can increase the content of vitamin C, amino acids and sugars in agricultural products, effectively reduce the content of nitrates, and make the produced agricultural products delicious and beautiful at a good price. It can increase crop yield by 20-30%.

The correct application of bacterial fertilizer:

The amount of bacterial fertilizer is small, and it is not easy to apply evenly when applied alone. It is easily affected by sunlight before covering the soil. It will also be blown away by the wind when it is windy. It can be mixed with organic fertilizer and applied deeply, or it can be mixed with nutrient soil. For vegetable seedlings, it can also be applied in holes or furrows during vegetable planting.

(1) Bacterial fertilizer effect lasts for a long time. Due to the strong vitality of biological bacteria, the general fertilizer effect can reach 150-180 days. Only one application of crops in a season can meet the requirements of the growth and development of crops throughout the life.

(2) Bacterial fertilizer is a kind of active bacteria. It must be buried in the soil when applied, and cannot be spread on the ground. Generally, it is applied 7-10cm deep. Since the biological bacteria do not cause any damage to the roots and seeds of the crops, the application of the bacterial fertilizer should be as close as possible to the roots of the crops, allowing it to be in contact with the roots of the crops to the greatest extent, in order to give full play to the fertilizer effect of the biological bacterial fertilizer. When making seed fertilizer, apply it 2~3cm directly below the seeds; when making top dressing, it is better to be as close to the root system as possible; when spraying on leaves, it should be done after 3 pm, and spray on the back of the leaves to prevent ultraviolet rays from killing Strains.

(3) The combined application of bacterial fertilizer and other fertilizers has a good effect. Bacterial fertilizer is a kind of biological preparation with high bacterial content. It takes 15-20 days to exert the fertilizer effect after being applied to the soil. Most biological bacteria need to be recovered under the action of nitrogen. For nitrogen fertilizer, 25-30kg compound bacterial fertilizer is generally applied per hectare, and 45-75kg urea and 75kg diammonium phosphate are combined according to different conditions. If combined with organic fertilizer (applying 80kg of commercial organic fertilizer per hectare), it can speed up the improvement of soil physical and chemical properties, increase the content of soil organic matter, and increase the activity of biological bacteria.

(4) Maintain suitable soil temperature and humidity conditions: Bacterial fertilizer can be applied under soil conditions with a soil water holding capacity of more than 30%, a soil temperature of 10-40°C, and a pH value of 5.5-8.5. When the soil water holding capacity is less than 30%, it is necessary to water in time, and to plow the soil in time to maintain soil moisture and increase soil temperature.

(5) Preparation of nutrient soil: generally take 60kg of pastoral soil (pastoral soil without pesticide pollution), fully ferment and decompose 30kg of human, livestock, and poultry manure, add 10kg of compound bacterial fertilizer, and mix well. The nutrient soil can be used for growing seedlings and seedlings of crops, vegetables, fruits, fruit trees, etc.


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