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The grapes here are extra sweet!

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-09-01

Gong Xiaonian, a greenhouse grape grower in Lixian County, Hunan Province, started planting grapes (Sunshine Rose) only a year ago. There are currently a total of 20 mu in greenhouses. When he first took over, the vines in one of the greenhouses were relatively weak. The grapes were not only small in size, poor in quality, but also diseased. More serious, the output is very unsatisfactory.

The grapes here are extra sweet!

After local farmers recommended the use of Huaqiang water-soluble fertilizer, and Mr. Peng from the agricultural resources management department of Xingping gave a lot of technical assistance, the two sides established contact and gradually trusted. In order to actually solve the problem in the field of Boss Gong, the company's professional agrochemical service team went to the site to take samples and test the pH of the soil. After analysis by agrochemical engineers, the possibility of soil problems is very high. He immediately proposed a solution to Boss Gong and suggested that Boss Gong try to apply Huaqiang microbial inoculants, one package per acre of land, one application at the beginning of growth and before the fruiting. It can effectively condition the soil, the soil problem is solved, and the growth of the vine will naturally be better.

I went for a return visit in mid-August. According to Mr. Gong’s description, the output of the greenhouse using Huaqiang Microbial Inoculant and Huaqiang Water-soluble Fertilizer package far exceeded the other two greenhouses with other products, and the rhizomes were developed, the stalks were strong, and the leaves were dark green. The thick, fruit-bearing number per plant is much higher, and the sweetness is also higher than that of the other two sheds. The most important thing is that it went on the market about a week earlier. Seeing the earth-shaking changes in his greenhouse after applying Huaqiang compound fertilizer, Boss Gong was very happy.

The grapes here are extra sweet!

Starting from August 5th, grape picking began. The price of grapes per catty in the greenhouse using Huaqiang microbial inoculants and water-soluble fertilizer package was 3 yuan higher, which made him happy. Boss Gong has not been planting grapes for a long time. According to Boss Gong, he said: “Fortunately, Mr. Peng from the Xingping Agricultural Resources Management Department has been helping and guiding me. He also recommended the leveraged Huaqiang compound fertilizer. Now the effect is tangible. In front of my eyes, I will recommend Huaqiang fertilizer to more grape growers in the future, choose a good fertilizer and use the right fertilizer, so that everyone can grow good grapes just like me!"


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