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Seeding Techniques of Spinach in Autumn

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-08-31

Seeding Techniques of Spinach in Autumn

Different regions have different temperature conditions, and different spinach varieties have different maturation cycles. Therefore, the planting time should be determined according to the characteristics of the spinach varieties and the climate and environmental conditions of the planting area. The planting time of autumn spinach is generally in August and September.

Soaking seeds before sowing: Soak the seeds in 30℃ warm water for about 4 hours before sowing to increase the germination rate of planting.

1. Seed treatment

Germination: Wrap the soaked seeds with wet gauze, or spread the seeds on the gauze with wet gauze, and place them indoors until the seeds germinate.

2. Apply basal fertilizer and prepare the land

Apply basal fertilizer before planting, apply 5000kg of decomposed farmyard manure per mu, and apply 40kg of haofangzi 15-15-15cl, and plow and prepare the land after fertilization.

3. Sowing

Ditch and sown after watering enough water. Sow the seeds that have been expedited to sprout into the ditch with a row spacing of about 30 cm. After sowing, water and rehydrate depending on the situation. When the seeds grow into seedlings, the seedlings are thinned, and the plant spacing is about 20 cm.


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