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The function and usage of humic acid fertilizer

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-06-29

Humic acid fertilizer refers to the use of peat, lignite and weathered coal to produce products containing large amounts of humic acid and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and certain trace elements required for crop growth and development by different production methods, and their role in agricultural production Mainly to stimulate crop growth, improve soil, increase nutrients, strengthen soil microbial activities, etc. Let us take a look at the role and usage of humic acid fertilizers together!

The function and usage of humic acid fertilizer

Humic acid fertilizer varieties

1. Humic acid fertilizers can be divided into two categories: natural humic acid and artificial humic acid according to the source. Among natural humic acid and soil, they are divided into soil sodium humate (white) phytic acid, coal humic acid, Humic acid and humic acid in mold.

2. Humic acid fertilizers can be divided into primary humic acid and regenerated humic acid (including humic acid in natural weathered coal and artificial oxidized coal) according to the generation method.

3. Humic acid fertilizers can be classified into yellow humic acid, brown humic acid, black humic acid according to the solubility and color in the solvent. In the earlier literature, there were also gray humic acid, brown humic acid and green humic acid. The name is actually separated by different solvents.

4. Humic acid fertilizers are divided into free humic acid and (calcium and magnesium) combined humic acid according to their natural binding state.

5. Humic acid fertilizers are classified into A type, B type (true humic acid), RP type and P type (immature humic acid) according to the degree of humification of humic acid (absorption coefficient and other indicators).

The role of humic acid fertilizers

1. It can improve the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer: nitrogen fertilizer is an indispensable fertilizer for plant growth, mainly urea and carbon amine. When urea and carbon amine is applied to the ground, it will soon be lost with air and water, and the crop can really absorb The nitrogen nutrients used are only 30%. The acidic functional groups such as aromatic nucleus, hydroxyl group and carboxyl group in humic acid can react with nitrogen to form very stable new ionic groups. These complexes have a longer residence time in the soil and gradually decompose and release nitrogen to let plants Slowly absorb.

2. Synergistic effect on phosphate fertilizer: After the quick-acting phosphate fertilizer is applied to the soil, the phosphorus element will be fixed by the metal ions in the soil, so that the quick-acting phosphorus is converted into late-acting phosphorus or ineffective phosphorus. The acidic functional groups such as aromatic nucleus, hydroxyl group and carboxyl group in humic acid can react with phosphorus to make it soluble phosphorus, which increases the activity of phosphorus and is easily absorbed by plants. According to statistics, after adding humic acid fertilizer, the fertilizer efficiency of phosphate fertilizer can be Relatively increased by 5 to 10%.

3. It has a synergistic effect on potassium fertilizer: the functional group in humic acid can also absorb and store potassium ions, which can prevent the loss of potassium ions in the sand with water, and can also prevent the fixation of potassium in sticky soil, which can increase the utilization rate of potassium fertilizer by 5%. about.

4. It has the effect of water and fertilizer retention: Humic acid interacts with calcium ions in the soil to form a flocculent precipitated gel, which can bind the soil together and turn the soil particles into small water and fertilizer reservoirs and fertilizer depots. , Increase the soil gap, thereby improving the soil's ability to retain water and fertilizer.

Usage of Humic Acid Fertilizer

1. Seed soaking: Seed soaking can improve the germination rate of seeds, emerge early, and enhance the ability of seedlings to take root. The general seed soaking concentration is 0.005 to 0.05%, the general seed soaking time is 5 to 10 hours, and the hard shell seeds such as rice and cotton are 24 hours.

2. Root soaking: Rice, sweet potato, etc. can be used to soak seedlings with sodium humate or potassium humate solution before transplanting, with a concentration of 0.01-0.05%. After soaking, it showed fast rooting and high survival rate.

3. Spraying: The general concentration is 0.01~0.05% solution, which is sprayed 2 to 3 times during the flowering period of the crop, and the spray volume per acre is 50 liters of aqueous solution. The spraying time should be selected at 2 to 4 pm.

4. Base fertilizer: solid humic acid fertilizer (such as ammonium humate, etc.), generally 100-150 kg per 6 mu. When the humic acid solution is applied as a base fertilizer, the concentration is 0.05 to 0.1%, and the dosage is 250 to 400 liters of water solution per 6 acres. It can be mixed with farm fertilizer and applied, either furrow or hole.

5. Top dressing: Before the seedling stage and heading stage of the crop, use 250-liter water solution with a concentration of 0.01 to 0.1% for every 6 acres and irrigate near the root system of the crop. The paddy field can be applied with irrigation or splashing on the water surface, which can play the role of raising seedlings, strengthening seedlings, promoting growth and development.


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