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Celery is not easy to grow? Do well in these three aspects management, easy, high quality and high yield

VIEWS: times Release Date:2021-02-03

The nutritional value of celery is very high, and it has requirements for the temperature, humidity, light, nutrients and other aspects of the growing environment. In celery planting, it is very simple to manage these three aspects and increase the yield.

1. Temperature requirements


Celery is resistant to low temperatures, and its growth environment is generally in a cool and humid place. Once it exceeds 20 degrees, it will affect its normal growth. The temperature of celery seedling stage is about 15 degrees. When it enters the more vigorous growth stage, the temperature around it can be slightly increased, because this can increase the enzyme activity in its body and accelerate its growth rate.

2. Lighting requirements


The seeds need low light during the germination period. It is not easy to germinate under strong light, but the germination will be slower in a dark environment. At the early stage of development, sufficient light is needed to promote the growth and development of the plant, and the vegetative period should be replaced with weak light

3. water and fertilizer requirements


Celery belongs to the shallow root system, so its water absorption capacity is relatively weak, but it requires sufficient water during the entire growth process. Keep the bed soil moist before sowing, so that the seedlings can be unearthed smoothly

During nutrient growth, both the soil and the air need to be kept moist. You can pour it with small water frequently, so as not to let too much water, nor to let the water lack.

Various fertilizers also play a decisive role in the yield and quality of celery. During the seedling and vigorous growth period, more fertilizer is required, especially nitrogen fertilizer. The demand for nitrogen fertilizer is the largest in the whole growth period. Adequate nitrogen fertilizer can promote leaf differentiation, petiole growth and plant weight gain, and can also ensure the quality of celery. Note that the amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled scientifically. The nitrogen content of the soil should be controlled at 200 mg/kg. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer will cause wide leaves, thin petioles, and easy lodging.

Celery needs to meet the needs of phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, boron fertilizer and other fertilizers during the growth process. If the supply of fertilizer is insufficient or excessive, it will cause more gluten, poor leaf petiole growth, poor quality, low yield, and induce spot blight. , Black heart disease, dry heart disease, aphids and other diseases. Celery usually requires a ratio of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer of about 4:1:3. The specific amount of fertilizer should be scientifically fertilized according to local actual conditions.


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