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Fertilization program for 24 cash crops (11-15)

VIEWS: times Release Date:2021-01-31

11. Potatoes


Potatoes are tuber crops. For every 1,000 kg of fresh potatoes, 4.4 kg of nitrogen, 1.8 kg of phosphorus, and 7.9 kg of potassium are required. They are typical potassium-loving crops. The effect of increasing crop yield is potassium> nitrogen> phosphorus, and the growth period of potatoes is short. The output is large and the demand for base fertilizer is large.

12.Green onions

Green onions

The yield of green onions depends on the length and thickness of the pseudostem. The growth of pseudostems is affected by the speed of leaves, the number of leaves, and the size of the leaf area. The internal cause is limited by the characteristics of the variety and the early bolting, and the external cause is affected by the comprehensive effects of temperature, moisture, light, and soil nutrition.

Because green onions like fertilizer, on the basis of applying sufficient base fertilizer, top dressing is carried out according to the law of fertilizer demand in each growth period. The base fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, which requires complete nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and special attention should be paid to the application of sulfur fertilizer. The top dressing is mainly based on quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer, based on the principle of "being light at the front and heavy at the back, attacking the middle and supplementing the back".

For every 1,000 kg of green onion products produced, approximately 3.4 kg of nitrogen, 1.8 kg of phosphorus, and 6.0 kg of potassium are absorbed, with a ratio of 1.9:1:3.3.

13, Garlic


Garlic is a kind of crop that loves potassium and sulfur. During the growth of garlic, the demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients is more nitrogen and potassium, but less phosphorus.

Generally 1500-2500 kg of fresh garlic per mu. Experiments have proved that for every 1000 kg of garlic tubers, it needs to absorb 4.8 kg of nitrogen, 1.4 kg of phosphorus, 4.4 kg of potassium, and 0.8 kg of sulfur. In the garlic growth cycle, the period of garlic stalk growth to garlic swelling is the peak period of its fertilizer demand.

14. Leek


Leeks are very resistant to fertility, and the amount of fertilizer required varies with age. The leeks sown that year, especially in the germination and seedling stages, consume less fertilizer. When leeks are grown for 2-4 years, they need more fertilizer for large growth. Generally, for every 1000kg of leeks, N1.5—1.8kg, P0.5—0.6kg, and K1.7—2.0kg are needed.

15. Taro


Among the three elements of fertilizer, potassium requires the most, followed by nitrogen fertilizer, and less phosphate fertilizer. Generally, the ratio of nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium for cultivation of taro is 2:1:2.


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