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State Agriculture Office: We must vigorously develop compound microbial fertilizers!

VIEWS: times Release Date:2021-01-26

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Agricultural Development Office issued the "Notice of Circular Agriculture Projects in Comprehensive Agricultural Development Areas", which aims to promote sustainable agricultural development, promote the coordinated development of the breeding industry, and promote the resource utilization of livestock and poultry breeding waste and agricultural and sideline resources. Comprehensive development and other aspects.

compound microbial fertilizers

Why support the development of compound microbial fertilizers?

One is that "the prospect of microbial fertilizers is very large." The United States has drawn a conclusion from decades of large amounts of data: "Microbes can feed the world" and use a reasonable population of microorganisms to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers in the United States by about 20%. Not only can the yield be increased, but the quality can be improved.

Second, the compound microbial fertilizer organically combines inorganic nutrient elements, organic matter, and microbial bacteria. It reflects the comprehensive effect of inorganic chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers and microbial fertilizers. It is to resolve soil compaction, repair and condition the soil, and improve the quality of agricultural products. Supply the quick-acting nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and a variety of trace elements needed for crop growth, strengthen the soil microbial flora, play a lasting role, have a significant yield increase effect, and can improve crop resistance and chemical fertilizer utilization. Reduce river pollution and reduce pests and diseases.

After processing agricultural waste, the compound microbial fertilizer can be made into the following functions:

First: to realize the recycling of agricultural waste. Agricultural waste mainly refers to livestock and poultry manure, straw and agricultural products processing products. These materials are rich in a variety of nutrient elements and organic matter. These nutrients can be used as microbial culture media, which are fermented by microorganisms to make the nitrogen Source conversion, cellulose decomposition, pathogen killing, heavy metal passivation and antibiotic decomposition, turn waste resources into high-quality compound microbial fertilizers, and realize the recycling of agricultural waste resources. It not only solves the problems of livestock and poultry breeding and straw pollution, but also provides high-quality fertilizer resources for agriculture.

Second: Promote the balance of the soil ecosystem. Due to long-term farming and environmental factors, there are many problems in my country's soil ecosystem, such as reduced organic matter content, compaction, salinization, and reduction in the number of soil microorganisms. The fertilizer made from a large amount of agricultural wastes is not only rich in organic matter, but also contains a large number of nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. These nutrients can not only meet the nutrients needed by plants, but also solve the current problems faced by the soil. , Can effectively promote the balance of the soil ecosystem.

Third: to ensure the smooth and effective "weight loss enhancement". According to the current status of soil and fertilizer use in my country, in 2015, the state proposed a "weight loss and efficiency improvement" action plan for chemical fertilizers. Statistics show that the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers in my country is 35.2% in the current season, which is far lower than the 50% in the United States and 65% in Europe. Mainly due to fertilization methods and fertilizer varieties. The inorganic nutrient elements, organic matter, and microorganisms contained in the compound microbial fertilizer supplement the lack of the soil ecosystem, while the microorganisms and humic acid substances in it can transform the fixed salts in the soil and slow down the release of nitrogen elements to achieve weight loss and increase efficiency the goal of.

Finally: to achieve the dual purpose of agricultural product quality and safety. Agricultural production is an open system, and its influencing factors include fertilizers, pesticides, water, air and preservation methods. During the planting process, the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides and the poor quality control of agricultural products will lead to many problems such as deterioration of the quality of agricultural products, enrichment of nitrates, excessive heavy metals, and improper use of plant growth regulators. Compound microbial fertilizers can be targeted to add functional microorganisms and natural minerals to degrade antibiotics, passivate heavy metals, etc., so as to ensure the output of agricultural products while improving the quality. Experiments have shown that compared with conventional compound fertilizers, tomatoes using compound microbial fertilizers can be marketed 10-12 days ahead of time, the solid content increases by 28.3%, the nitrate content decreases by 9.4%, the onset of disease is delayed for 10-15 days, and the plant's stress resistance is enhanced.

In order to increase the utilization of agricultural waste resources and the promotion of compound microbial fertilizers, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has cooperated with more than 40 companies to establish agricultural waste resource utilization bases through the transformation of results, and has processed a total of 1,200 agricultural waste resources such as animal manure and straw. It produced more than 4.1 million tons of compound microbial fertilizers and bio-organic fertilizers. On the basis of reducing chemical fertilizer input by 25%, the average yield per mu was increased by more than 7.5%, and the average income per mu was increased by more than 217.3 yuan. The economic and social benefits were significant.


In summary, the vigorous development of compound microbial fertilizer is the need to realize the utilization of agricultural resources, the need of sustainable agricultural development, and the need for the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.


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