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Strawberry seedling cultivation and fertilization technology

VIEWS: times Release Date:2021-01-12

Cultivating strong seedlings is the basis for high-quality and high-yield strawberry cultivation, so the cultivation of seedlings is particularly critical.

Strawberry seedling cultivation and fertilization technology

1. Mother plant selection

Strawberry plants with pure varieties, robust growth, no pests and diseases, more than 4 leaves, and well-developed roots are selected as mother plants for production.

2. Site selection and site preparation

As a breeding nursery, you should choose a plot with sufficient sunlight, flat terrain, and convenient irrigation and drainage. It is best to plant wheat and corn in the first crop. The soil should be loose and rich in organic matter, and the soil should be black soil or loess. Before planting, you must apply foot fertilizer and harrow the soil. At the same time, apply the underground pest control medicine. Before soil preparation, spread fertilizers and pesticides evenly on the ground, and then plow and raking thinly and making borders with a border width of about 2m.

3. Planting time of mother plant

Generally, the seedlings are planted as soon as possible after the soil is thawed in spring before germination. The seasons vary from region to region. Generally, the average daily temperature in spring has stabilized above 10°C to begin planting. Choose to plant on a cloudy day or after the sun sets.

4. Planting specifications

The cultivation density of the breeding mother plants varies with the stolon ability of the breeding varieties and the level of soil fertility. Generally, each seedling leaves a propagation area of 0.5 square meters, and varieties with strong reproductive capacity can leave a breeding area of 1 square meters under the condition of high level of fertilizer and water management. The 2m wide border can be planted in 2 rows per border, the row spacing is 1m, and the plant spacing is 0.5~1.0m.

5. Planting method

The key to strawberry planting technology is the planting depth. When planting, you should cut off the long fibrous roots and transplant them in a directional direction. The shoots of the seedlings should be turned to the side of the channel so that the inflorescences are in the same direction. The number of plants is 1 hole and 1 plant.

Before planting, the seedlings should be sorted out, old leaves and dead leaves should be removed, and 2~3 heart leaves per seedling should be left.

6. Soil management

The fertile soil of the seedling land is large, and the amount of fertilizer and irrigation in the process of raising seedlings is large, which is easy to produce weeds. Weeds compete for glory, fertilizer and water with strawberry seedlings, which affects the rate of seedling reproduction. Therefore, the main task of soil management in breeding nurseries is cultivating and weeding.

Strawberry has a shallow root system and a small plant. In order to ensure the normal growth of the plant and increase the stolon's withdrawal ability and seedling division rate, the ground surface is often kept moist. Strawberry is wet and cannot tolerate waterlogging or drought.

7. Fertilizer and water management

Water the mother seedlings thoroughly after planting. After planting, the seedlings should be tempered and squatted properly to make the seedlings short and strong. In the early morning, when there are no water droplets on the leaf edge of the mother seedlings, water should be timely to keep the soil moist throughout the nursery period to avoid water accumulation in the borders and furrows. Before the rainy season, you should pay attention to dry watering, small water and frequent watering to ensure the normal growth and development of seedlings. In the early stage of vigorous plant growth, apply fertilizer every 10 to 15 days. When stolons occur in large numbers, apply NPK compound fertilizer. Irrigate after application. The application of nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped at the later stage of stolons to prevent the seedlings from growing and affecting the differentiation of flower buds. Increase the application rate of phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, and spray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaf surface, which is conducive to the health of seedlings and the differentiation of flower buds.

8. Plant management

After planting and growing new leaves, the old leaves should be removed in time. The sooner and more thoroughly the old leaves are removed, the better. Before stolons occur, old leaves and diseased leaves should be removed in time to reduce nutrient consumption and pest damage. This should be carried out continuously throughout the breeding period. When the number of seedlings is sufficient, cut off all the leaves of the mother seedling to improve the ventilation and light transmission in the field. With the emergence of new leaves and the growth of seedlings, each mother plant will quickly reveal multiple inflorescences. The growth and development of inflorescence and flower buds will consume a lot of water and nutrients, which will seriously affect the vegetative growth of the mother plant, the tapping of stolons and the yield of seedlings. Therefore, the exposed inflorescence should be removed in time when the mother plant seedlings spit out. Practice has proved that the yield of stolon seedlings from mother plants without inflorescence can be increased by about 50% compared with mother plants without inflorescence.

9, Draw stems and press vines

When the stolon grows to 30-40 cm, you should start to introduce the stems and press the vines. Use a seedling fork or fine soil to evenly distribute the stolons to ensure that the spacing between the production seedlings produced by the stolons is not less than 10 cm. The introduction of stems can make the stolons evenly distributed, avoid overlapping and affect the growth of seedlings. When there are 40~50 seedlings per plant and the seedlings have reached the reproduction coefficient, the stolons can be topped and the stolons can be cut to make the seedlings grow independently. Pressing vines can promote the growth of stolon seedlings. Stop pressing the vine until 40-50 of the mother plant's meristems, and remove the stolons that will be drawn out in time to ensure ventilation and light transmission, and have a reasonable nutrient area to reduce nutrient consumption, promote the growth of the formed stolons, and increase stolons The quality of the seedlings.


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