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How to apply bio-organic fertilizer for cherries

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-12-26

The fruit development period of cherries is relatively short. As a result, the tree generally grows only once in the spring, and the growth of the spring shoots is basically synchronized with the development of the fruit. The growth of branches and leaves, flowering and fruiting of cherries are concentrated in the first half of the growing season, and the differentiation of flower buds is mostly completed within a short period of time after fruit picking. The three important periods for fertilizing cherries are before winter, flowering and after harvest.

How to apply bio-organic fertilizer for cherries

Different ages and periods of cherries have different requirements for fertilizers. For juvenile trees under 3 years of age, the tree body is in the expansion period and the nutrient growth is vigorous. This period requires a lot of nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizer should be used as the mainstay, supplemented by appropriate amount of phosphate fertilizer, The formation of the canopy. 3--6 year-old and early fruiting saplings, the tree body changes from vegetative growth to reproductive growth to promote flower bud differentiation. Pay attention to nitrogen control, phosphorus increase and potassium supplementation in fertilization. Trees older than 7 years enter the fruit-bearing period, the tree body consumes more nutrients, and the annual fertilization increases. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are required. However, potassium fertilizer should be supplemented during the fruit growth stage to improve the yield and quality of the fruit.

Autumn application of basal fertilizer: generally carried out between September and November, it is better to apply as early as possible to bring out the fertilizer effect as soon as possible, which is conducive to the accumulation of stored nutrients in the tree. Generally, 2-3 kg of bio-organic fertilizer is applied to plants, but 5--8 kg of bio-organic fertilizer is applied to big trees. During the cherry blossom and fruit setting period, there are more requirements for nutritional conditions. Top dressing in blooming period: 3-5 kg of bio-organic fertilizer and 1-2 kg of compound fertilizer can be applied to big trees in blooming period to promote flowering and leaf development, increase fruit setting rate, and accelerate fruit growth.

If the method of spraying outside the roots is adopted, the nutrients needed by the cherries can be quickly added. Generally, 0.5 urea solution or 600 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution was sprayed twice every 10 days, which increased the production significantly. About 10 days after the cherry fruit is picked, a large number of flower buds begin to differentiate. At this time, it is the period when the new shoots are about to stop growing. The whole flower bud differentiation period is about 40-45 days.

Fertilizer should be applied after harvest: 5--8 kg of bio-organic fertilizer shall be applied, and 2 kg of compound fertilizer shall be applied. The fibrous roots of cherries are well-developed, and they are distributed in shallow layers in the soil and have a wide range of horizontal extension. They are concentrated in the 5--35 cm soil layer below the surface, with the 20--25 cm soil layer being the most. Generally, the application method of basal fertilizer for fruit trees by digging large holes, opening shots or arc-shaped deep trenches on the outside of the tree trays will cause a lot of root damage. For fruiting trees, sprinkle bio-organic fertilizer on the tree trays in early winter. Plan the tree trays to a depth of 5-7 cm. Water them immediately after leveling. After watering, use a hoe to protect the moisture or cover the grass and mulch. For top dressing, it is best to sprinkle in the tree tray, and immediately hoe it lightly to mix the fertile soil, and then water. When the tree is covered with grass, it can be sprayed directly on the grass, washed down with water, or cut off the corner of the covered grass, sprinkled on the soil surface, watered down, and then covered with the grass.


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