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Which fertilizers can be used for drip irrigation?

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-11-10

Drip irrigation fertilization technology is a measure that uses drip irrigation facilities to send nutrients and water needed by crops to the roots of crops for local irrigation, which can regulate water and fertilizers and meet the needs of crop growth.

Which fertilizers can be used for drip irrigation?

What types of fertilizers can be used?

As long as the fertilizer is soluble in water (the content of insoluble impurities is less than 0.5%), it can be applied through the drip irrigation system. Use water-soluble compound fertilizer, which has good solubility, high nutrient content, multiple nutrients and quick effect.

Can organic fertilizer be applied to drip irrigation?

The drip irrigation system is a liquid pressure water delivery system, so it is obvious that solid organic fertilizer cannot be used directly. But we can use the biogas slurry made from organic manure and apply after precipitation and filtration. Chicken manure, pig manure, etc. are filtered and used

What are the common methods of drip irrigation?

Depending on the layout of the drip irrigation system, multiple fertilization methods can be used. Commonly used are gravity self-pressure fertilization method, pumping fertilizer method, pumping fertilizer method, bypass tank fertilization method, venturi fertilization method, proportional fertilization method, etc.


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