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Best NPK fertilizer for Cherry

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-10-19

Cherry is a fruit tree that likes light, temperature, humidity, and fertilizer. For the first topdressing of cherries in spring, high-nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied, but high-potassium fertilizers should be applied.

Best NPK fertilizer for Cherry

One. The law of cherries requiring fertilizer

1. Division of cherry growth stages

During the year, cherry blossoms, sprouting leaves, spreading leaves, tapping, fruit development, flower bud differentiation, deciduous leaves, dormancy and other processes, repeating this process is called the annual growth cycle. Understand this growth and development law, you can take corresponding cultivation and management measures to meet the conditions required for the growth and development of cherries, and achieve the goals of high quality, high yield and high efficiency.

2. The demand of NPK fertilizer throughout the growth period

Cherries have the largest demand for nitrogen and potassium during their lifetime, and the quantities are similar, and their demand for phosphorus is much lower. In addition, the demand ratio of cherries to the middle elements calcium, magnesium, and sulfur is 1.4-2.4:0.3-0.8:0.2-0.4. These elements play an important role in improving fruit quality, especially calcium element to prevent big cherry from cracking, increase fruit hardness, extend delivery period, reduce physiological diseases during storage, increase stress resistance of fruits and trees, and reduce freezing damage during flowering. Has a certain effect.

The cherry fertilization is reasonably proportioned according to the age of the trees.

Young tree: N:P2O5:K2O=1:2:1 First fruit tree: N:P2O5:K2O=1:1:1

Sheng Guoshu: N:P2O5:K2O=2:1:2 Update period: N:P2O5:K2O=3:1:2

Two. Fertilization schemes in various periods (take high-yield fields as an example)

1. Base fertilizer: apply early in autumn, not later than November. Organic fertilizer is combined with balanced or high nitrogen and phosphorus compound fertilizer. For example: pure sulfur-based 19-19-19, 17-17-17 balanced compound fertilizer 40-60 kg/mu + soybean 70 bio-organic fertilizer 2000-3000 kg/mu.

2. Fertilizer before flowering: In order to promote flowering, fruit setting and branch and leaf growth, 0.5-1 kg of high-nitrogen compound fertilizer is applied to each plant at the initial flowering stage. For example: pure sulfur-based 26-10-15 high-nitrogen compound fertilizer 0.5-1 kg/plant.

3. Puffing fertilizer: The peak period of fertilizer and water demand is the peak period of fertilizer and water from the cherry fruit after flowering to the hard-core period of the cherry. It is also the key period for cherry fruit setting and fruit expansion. The level of water and fertilizer management in this period directly determines the quality and yield of the fruit. Fertilization is based on high-nitrogen and high-potassium fertilizers to meet the needs of water and fertilizer for cherry fruit setting and fruit expansion. For example: 14-5-26, pure sulfur-based 20-10-21 compound fertilizer 1.5-2 kg/plant.

4. Confinement fertilizer: supplementary application of confinement fertilizer after fruit picking can increase the nutrient storage of the tree and promote flower bud differentiation. After the fruit is picked, the fruit tree transitions from the nutrient consumption stage of flowering and fruiting, branching and leafing to the nutrient accumulation stage and begins to enter the qualitative change stage of flower bud differentiation. About 10 days after fruit picking, topdressing balanced compound fertilizer 1-1.5 kg for each big tree in the full fruit stage, preferably in radial furrow or circular furrow application. For example: pure sulfur-based 17-17-17, 19-19-19 and other balanced compound fertilizers 1-1.5 kg/plant.


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