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Key points of fertilization management for Chinese cabbage seedling

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-10-14

Chinese cabbage sown in autumn in southern China has basically entered the seedling stage. The quality of fertilization management at the seedling stage directly affects the yield and quality of Chinese cabbage.

Key points of fertilization management for Chinese cabbage seedling

1. Cultivating soil

Due to the heavy rains in the early stage of planting, when the Chinese cabbage grows two true leaves for the first thinning, it can be used for cultivating and weeding. Pull up the weeds, and then carry out cultivating to loosen the soil. Take care not to damage the roots of Chinese cabbage in cultivating, and pay attention to combining soil cultivating with cultivating.

2. Water and fertilizer management

During the seedling stage, keep the soil in the field moist. If there is continuous rain, there is no need to irrigate. Ditches should be opened for drainage to prevent the Chinese cabbage from being flooded and causing pests and diseases. The growth of leafy vegetables such as Chinese cabbage is inseparable from fertilizers. If the base fertilizer is insufficient, the growth of the seedlings will be weak. You can topdress 20-30kg MAINPAR NPK 16-6-26 per mu. After fertilizing, water according to the soil moisture.

Three, pest control

The main pests and diseases at the seedling stage of Chinese cabbage include virus disease and downy mildew; aphids, cabbage caterpillars and jumping beetles. It is necessary to spray pesticides in time, and pay attention to cleaning up field weeds and timely drainage.


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