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Technical points of fertilization and seeding of broad bean

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-10-12

Broad beans like a warm, cool and humid climate, and are intolerant of heat and waterlogging. The soil is preferably loose, deep, fertile clay or clay loam. The sowing date should not be too early. If the plant grows too much, it will catch cold during the winter, so try to avoid sowing too early.

Technical points of fertilization and seeding of broad bean

1. Fertilization and soil preparation

For planting broad beans, it is recommended to apply about 200kg of commercial organic fertilizer per mu, 30kg/mu of Haofangzi NPK15-15-15. If too much fertilizer is applied, it will cause aphids to gather, so proper amount of base fertilizer is required. Plow the land after fertilization.

2 Second, sowing

Broad bean seeds are larger, so it is easier to sow directly. When sowing, the black part of the seed is facing down. Roots and shoots grow from the black part of the tip of the seed, so when sowing, insert the black part into the soil diagonally down, and place the seed shallowly until half of the seed can be seen on the soil. Sowing Water thoroughly afterwards. It is necessary to pay attention to the spacing between the rows of plants not to be too dense, otherwise poor ventilation in the field may cause aphids.

3, pest control

Direct sowing requires special attention to the prevention and control of aphids. It is best to choose aphid-resistant, high-yielding varieties, and pay attention to removing weeds in the field. Can also use sweet and sour liquid, yellow board, black light to trap and kill aphids.


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