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The key points of autumn lettuce seedling management

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-09-05

Lettuce has strong adaptability. In cultivation, lettuce is divided into spring lettuce and autumn lettuce. Spring lettuce is planted in the autumn of last year and harvested in the spring of the year; autumn lettuce is seeded and planted in July and August, and harvested in autumn.

The key points of autumn lettuce seedling management

1 Nursery

The seeds are sown into a nutrient bowl containing nutrient soil, one seed per hole, and then placed in the ground to grow seedlings. When the seeds grow into seedlings, they can be screened, and the weaker seedlings can be removed before transplanting.

2 transplanting

You need to bring a 5 cm taproot when transplanting. If the main root is too short, there will be less lateral roots after cultivation, and it is not easy to slow down the seedling; if the main root is too long, it is easy to bend during cultivation, and new roots in the soil are not well developed, which affects the growth of seedlings.

3 Apply foot base fertilizer

Apply foot base fertilizer to prepare the ground before transplanting. The base fertilizer is generally 4000 to 5000 kg of fully decomposed organic fertilizer per mu, and 80 kg of MAINPAR13-8-24 is applied. The base fertilizer is adequately applied, and no top dressing is required during the seedling stage.

4 weeding

As the lettuce seedlings grow, weeds will continue to grow, so weeds should be uprooted while thinning the seedlings to prevent the weeds from competing with the lettuce seedlings for nutrients. It is best to use manual weeding, which should be uprooted when weeding to prevent weeds from re-emergence and affect the normal growth of seedlings.


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