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Key points of fertilizer management in peanut fruit expanding period

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-08-18

The results showed that the vegetative growth of peanut decreased gradually, the leaves gradually turned yellow, the absorption capacity of roots decreased significantly, the nitrogen fixation of nodules stopped, and the nutrients in stems and leaves transferred to pods. This period is an important period of peanut yield formation, to do a good job in field management, in order to ensure high yield.

Key points of fertilizer management in peanut fruit expanding period

1、 Prevention of premature senility

At this time, the root activity is weakened, and it is easy to appear the phenomenon of premature senescence that the leaves have dried up, turned yellow and dropped before the peanut is mature. One month before harvest, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed to protect roots and leaves, promote fruit expansion, improve fruit setting rate and full fruit rate, and promote the transfer of photosynthetic products, prevent premature senescence of stems and leaves, and prolong the harvest time of peanut.

2、 Antiaircraft shell and rotten fruit

The temperature is still very high in this period, and sometimes there is drought or more rainfall. Under drought condition, the humidity in the field is low and the root system decays prematurely, which is easy to cause leaf abscission and the number of withered fruits. On the contrary, with more rainfall, peanuts tend to grow only seedlings and do not swell fruit. If the drainage is not timely, rotten roots and pods are easy to rot or germinate. In case of drought, water should be timely watered, sprinkler irrigation and furrow irrigation can be used; if there is too much rain, the water in the field should be drained in time. When applying base fertilizer, 40 kg / mu haofangzi formula 15-15-15 was applied as base fertilizer, which could effectively prevent empty shell.

3、 Scientific topdressing

This stage is also the key period of fertilizer demand. After peanut enters the fruit maturity stage, the absorption and nitrogen fixation capacity of peanut are weakened, and it is easy to cause early defoliation due to fertilizer removal. 20 kg / mu of haofangzi formula 15-15-15 can be applied.

4、 Prevention of diseases and insect pests

At the late stage of peanut growth, the main damage to peanut leaves were cotton bollworm, bridgeworm and other leaf eating pests and red spider. Helicoverpa armigera and bridgeworm are easy to occur in high temperature and humidity environment, while spider mite is easy to occur in dry climate. Attention should be paid to inspection and spraying insecticides and acaricides at larval stage.


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