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What is the difference between monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate?

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-08-15

Monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate are very familiar fertilizers for many farmers, especially those in the Yellow River Basin and the northern regions. Basically, they must use diammonium phosphate as a base fertilizer, even to the point where they are not safe and economical. Where there are higher benefits, some use compound fertilizer with diammonium phosphate for application. General farmers choose to use diammonium phosphate with some urea and potassium sulfate to apply together, and a small number of farmers directly use compound fertilizer as base fertilizer.

Monoammonium Phosphate

Monoammonium Phosphate

NH4H2PO4, content: agricultural grade is generally 11-44-0, 10-50-0, etc., and the content of factories can generally be adjusted according to customer needs; industrial grade monoammonium: 12-61-0, completely water soluble, in air Stable, not easy to absorb moisture, pH 4.4-4.8, can provide water-soluble phosphorus and ammonium nitrogen to plants.

Diammonium Phosphate

Diammonium Phosphate

(NH4)2HPO4, content: agricultural grade is generally 18-46-0, industrial grade: 21-53-0, pH value is 7.8-8.2, it can also provide water-soluble phosphorus and ammonium nitrogen for plants.

The difference between Diammonium Phosphate and Monoammonium Phosphate

1. The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus. The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus of monoammonium phosphate is 1:(4-5), while the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus of diammonium phosphate is close to 1:2. According to the optimal absorption ratio of crops, diammonium phosphate It is easier to be absorbed and utilized.

2. The pH value of the two, monoammonium phosphate, when dissolved in water, becomes acidic, while diammonium phosphate is alkaline, so different soil conditions, the application of two fertilizers will have different results.


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