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Essentials of Mulberry Summer Management

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-07-08

The management of mulberry in summer is very important. It has a great influence on the growth and development of mulberry. It mainly includes summer cutting, thinning, summer fertilizer, summer tillage, weeding, drainage, and pest control in mulberry garden.

Essentials of Mulberry Summer Management

1. Timely summer cut

Generally, from the 4th to 5th days before and after the Lixia Festival, harvesting is carried out while picking mulberry leaves. The old mulberry garden requires Qiquan cutting, and the new mulberry garden requires cutting about 35cm from the ground; if it is a new mulberry that was cut once last summer In the garden, the summer cutting should be properly increased by 5-10cm; at the same time, it is required to wipe off the leaves and small side branches of the mulberry tree base to reduce nutrient consumption and facilitate the rapid germination of new shoots.

2. Reasonable thinning

After the summer cut, when the summer silkworm grows to a length of about 20-30 cm, it is necessary to thin out the buds, leaving 8-10 roots for each plant. Method: Remove weak and strong, dense and thin, and internal and external, with uniform and uniform distribution.

3. Reapply summer fertilizer

Xiafei, also known as mother fertilizer or Xie Sangfei, accounts for about 40% of the annual fertilization. Insufficient application or late fertilization will not only affect the yield of mulberry leaves in summer and autumn, but also affect the yield of spring leaves in the following year. Summer fertilizer can generally be divided into two applications: the first application immediately after the summer cut, usually not more than early June; the second time should be applied after the end of the summer silkworm harvesting (in early July). It is recommended to apply 30kg/mu of good square seeds 24-6-16 for each ditch strip application or hole application. After fertilization, cover the soil and water it according to moisture.

4, appropriate shallow cultivation

Combined with summer manure, summer tillage can not only improve the soil structure, but also play the role of weeding, moisture retention and soil temperature. Summer cultivation should be shallow, with a general depth of 12-15cm. Clay should be deep and sand should be shallow; old mulberry should be deep and new mulberry should be shallow; rows should be deep and plants should be shallow.

5, timely weeding

Combine weeding in summer, generally 1-2 times. Weeding must be "early removal, small removal, and removal". Chemical weeding can be used when the weeds are dense and dense. Use 1 kg of glyphosate containing 15% of active ingredients per mu, add 10 kg of water, and add 0.2 kg of washing powder as a spreading agent to spray the stems and leaves.

6, pay attention to drainage and irrigation

The soil moisture content of mulberry trees is 70-80% of the maximum water capacity in the field. If it exceeds this range, it will affect the growth of mulberry trees. If the mulberry garden is flooded, the ditch should be dredged in time to remove water from the ground area. In summer, as long as 7-10 days of continuous drought, irrigation is required.

7. Prevention and control of insect pests

In summer, plough the soil in time to kill the diseases and insects, and keep the mulberry garden ventilated, transparent and dry. Or use drug control and artificial culling methods to control pests.


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