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Best NPK fertilizer for eucalyptus

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-05-14

Fertilization of eucalyptus is carried out as follows:


Base fertilizer: 7 days before planting, apply compound fertilizer or eucalyptus special fertilizer 0.25-0.5 kg per hole, apply fertilizer into the hole, and backfill a layer of 1-2 cm thick topsoil.

Top dressing: 1 month after planting or after the young tree grows 1 meter high, start top dressing. Each plant is applied with compound fertilizer or eucalyptus special fertilizer 0.25 kg to promote the early growth of eucalyptus trees; Each plant is applied with compound fertilizer or eucalyptus special fertilizer 0.5 kg; in the third and fourth years, each fertilizer is topdressed once, and each compound is applied with compound fertilizer or eucalyptus special fertilizer 0.8 kg, which promotes the rapid growth of eucalyptus and can be felled in 4-5 years The wood yield per mu can reach 6-8 cubic meters.

Eucalyptus special fertilizer

NPK 15-6-9, NPK 22-8-10


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