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50 new knowledge about fertilizer! (worth collecting)

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-09-27

1 What are the misunderstandings of fertilization among farmers?

Heavy chemical fertilizer, light organic fertilizer;

Heavy nitrogen fertilizer, light phosphorus and potash fertilizer, neglecting micro-fertilizer;

Heavy output, light quality;

The application method is outdated and backward.

2 What are the nutrient contents of various fertilizers?

Ammonium bicarbonate N 17%;

Diammonium N 18% P2O5 46%;

Potassium sulfate K2O 50%;

Potassium chloride K2O 60%;

Urea N 46%.

3 Different usages of potassium sulfate type and potassium chloride type compound fertilizer?

Chlorine-free crops: tobacco, tea, potato, sweet potato, sugar beet, sugar cane, watermelon, strawberry, apple, pear, citrus; saline-alkali land, greenhouse protection-the above crops and soil are suitable for potassium sulfate compound fertilizer.

Chlorine-loving crops: cotton, rice, kiwi fruit-the above crops and paddy fields are suitable for potassium chloride compound fertilizer.

4Utilization rate of chemical fertilizer?

35% nitrogen fertilizer,

Phosphate fertilizer 10-20%,

Potash fertilizer is 50-60%.

5How to identify genuine and fake fertilizers?

Look: Whether the packaging is regular and whether the particles are smooth and even;

Touch: Rub the fertilizer to see if there is oil or sweat;

Soluble: the less residue the better;

Burn: bubbling, melting, burning.

6Why does chemical fertilizer burn seedlings?

The reason is: too much fertilizer is applied or the seeds are too close to the root system.

Principle: Fertilization increases the concentration of salt in the soil, or chemical fertilizers are in direct contact with the root system, which makes the soil nutrient concentration around the root system too high. Based on the principle that water flows from a low concentration to a high concentration, the water in the root system flows out to the soil It causes the water in the roots of seeds or seedlings to flow out, causing the seedlings to burn.

7How to avoid burning seedlings?

Seed fertilizer isolation or small amount of fertilization multiple times.

8 What is the difference between the critical period and maximum efficiency period of crop nutrition?

Critical period: low nutrient requirements, indispensable, generally in the seedling stage;

Maximum efficiency period: large nutrient requirements, high utilization rate, generally in the mid-growth period (the bell mouth stage of corn, the jointing stage of wheat, the flowering and boll stage of cotton, and the jointing stage of rice).

9What is the cause of wheat yellowing during seedling?

may be because:

1. Returning straw to the field (this is the most common situation).

2. Wheat has some kind of disease or rotten roots.

3. The wheat seedling is too deep and the seedling emergence is weak.

4. The soil is dry.

10. Is it better to use potassium sulfate compound fertilizer or potassium chloride compound fertilizer for rice?

SO42-reduced to H2S under flooding conditions, poisoning the rice roots and making them black.

Therefore, rice uses potassium chloride type compound fertilizer.

11What is going on with soil testing and formula fertilization?

Soil testing: testing soil nutrient content;

Formula: Propose scientific fertilization measures (proportion, amount, period, method) based on the law of crop fertilizer requirements, soil fertility, and fertilizer utilization.

12 Can nitrate nitrogen be applied to rice?

Not possible.

Nitrate nitrogen is easily lost by leaching.

13 Which are physiologically acidic fertilizers?

Ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, etc.

It is suitable for alkaline soil in the north.

14 What are chemical acid fertilizers?

Superphosphate is suitable for alkaline soil in the north.

15 What are chemical alkaline fertilizers?

Calcium magnesium phosphate, plant ash.

First of all, it cannot be mixed with farmyard manure and ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, and plant ash is used as a seed fertilizer.

16Can I water immediately after urea application?

Urea is easy to lose.

Do not water immediately after fertilization, it can be converted into ammonium bicarbonate after 2-3 days in summer, and watering is better at this time.

17Can ammonium bicarbonate be sprayed on the surface?

Not possible.

Should be covered with soil. Because most of the surface nutrients volatilize into the air, the utilization rate is very low.

18 How to improve the utilization rate of phosphate fertilizer?

1. Mixed with organic fertilizer;

2. Make concentrated strip and furrow application of base fertilizer;

3. Give priority to overwintering crops and leguminous crops;

4. Combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium;

5. Preferential application on sandy soil and dry land;

6. Reasonable use of the after-effect of phosphate fertilizer.

19Can urea be absorbed by crop roots?

Urea can be absorbed by crops after being converted into ammonium nitrogen.

20 Why does the application of potassium sulfate type compound fertilizer easily cause soil compaction?

The formation of CaSO4 (gypsum) is the main reason.

21 What is the "ammonia damage" of greenhouse crops?

Ammonia volatilizes in the air and meets water to form an alkaline solution on the leaf surface, causing leaf burning.

22. What factors affect the release rate of nutrients in controlled-release fertilizers in the soil?

Ground temperature, crop absorption rate, humidity.

23 What points should be paid attention to when using controlled release fertilizer for wheat?

One is to use a high-nitrogen and high-phosphorus formula;

The second is the appropriate amount;

The third is to topdress in the rejuvenation period, and apply 10-15 kg of urea per mu;

The fourth is to pay attention to the separation of seed fertilizers when seeding.

24 What points should be paid attention to when using controlled release fertilizer for rice?

One is to use a formula with high nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium;

The second is to be appropriate;

The third is to topdress in the rejuvenation period, 20-30 catties of urea per mu;

Fourth, when floating, you can moisten the fertilizer with water before spreading it.

25. What points should be paid attention to when using controlled release fertilizer for corn?

One is the isolation of seed fertilizer;

Second, the formula and dosage are appropriate;

The third is scientific application method;

Fourth, pay attention to applying fertilizer in stages on sandy soil and saline soil.

26 The law of fertilizer requirement for wheat?

Generally, for every 100 kg of wheat grains produced at a medium fertility level, about 3 kg of nitrogen, 1.0 to 1.5 kg of phosphorus and 2.5 to 3.1 kg of potassium are required.

27 How does corn require fertilizer?

Corn needs to absorb 2.5 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.2 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 2.0 kg of potassium oxide for every 100 kg of grain formed. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 1:0.48:0.8. The amount of fertilizer required increases with the increase in yield.

28 The fertilizer requirement of rice?

To produce 500kg of rice and the corresponding straw, it needs to absorb N 8--10 kg, P2O5 5--6 kg, K2O12--18 kg, and the ratio of the three is roughly 2:1:3.

29 How does cotton need fertilizer?

The growth and development of cotton go through the seedling stage, bud stage, and fluffing stage.

Generally, 100 kg of lint produced per mu needs to absorb 7-8 kg of nitrogen (N), 4-6 kg of phosphorus and 7-15 kg of potassium.

30 peanuts need fertilizer law?

To produce 100 kg of peanuts, it needs to absorb 6.8 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.3 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, 3.8 kg of potassium oxide, and 2.5 kg of calcium.

31 The law of potato fertilizer requirement?

For every 1,000 kg of tubers produced, 4-6 kg of nitrogen (N), 1.5-2 kg of phosphorus (P2O5), and 6-8 kg of potassium (K20) need to be absorbed from the soil.

The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizer is N:P2O5:K20=1:0.5:2, and potato is a high-yield potassium-loving crop.

32 The law of fertilizer requirement for rape?

Rape has a relatively high demand for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers. To produce 100 kilograms of rapeseed per mu, it needs to absorb 6.8 to 7.8 kilograms of pure nitrogen, 2.4 to 2.8 kilograms of phosphorus pentoxide, and 5. 5 to 7.2 kg, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium absorption is 1:0.36:0.86.

33 Which trace element is very sensitive to rapeseed, and what symptoms will occur if it is lacking?

Rape is prone to lack of B (boron), and boron deficiency will cause rape flowers to be unfruitful.

34 What kind of trace element is easy to lack in northern corn, and what symptoms will happen if it lacks it?

In the northern regions, corn is prone to lack of Zn (zinc), and the lack of zinc will cause corn "white sprouts".

35 What is the difference between peanut nitrogen deficiency and iron deficiency?

Nitrogen deficiency can cause thin and yellow plants, and iron deficiency in peanuts can cause yellowing of new upper leaves.

36 What are the symptoms of phosphorus deficiency?

The root system grows poorly, the plants are short, and the stems and leaves are purple-red.

37 What are the symptoms of potassium deficiency?

The edges of the lower leaves are yellow and burnt.

38. What is the cause of agglomeration of compound fertilizer?

Fertilizer particles indicate that they are damp, and when they are dried again, salt bridges are formed between the particles, causing compaction.

39 Consequences of blind fertilization

One is the decline in soil fertility, which affects the sustainable development of agriculture;

The second is the low fertilizer utilization rate, which pollutes the environment and groundwater;

The third is high cost and low benefit;

The fourth is high yield and low quality.

40 Precautions for applying trace element fertilizers

Pay attention to the application amount and concentration: crops need very little trace elements, and the range from moderate to excessive is very narrow, so it is necessary to prevent excessive amounts of micro-fertilizers.

The soil application must be evenly applied, and the concentration must be ensured to be appropriate, otherwise it will cause plant poisoning, pollute the soil and environment, and even enter the food chain, which will hinder the health of humans and animals.

41 Application method of copper fertilizer

Base fertilizer: 1kg-1.5kg copper sulfate per 667m2, applied once every 3-5 years.

 Top dressing: Use 0.2%-0.4% for fruit trees, and add 10%-20% slaked lime with the amount of copper sulfate to prevent phytotoxicity.

 Seed fertilizer: Seed dressing dosage is 0.3g-0.6g/kg seed, soaking concentration is 0.01%-0.05%.

42 Crops prone to molybdenum deficiency

Leguminous crops, alfalfa is the most prominent. In addition, rape, cauliflower, corn, sorghum, millet, cotton, and sugar beet also respond well to molybdenum fertilizer.

43 Molybdenum fertilizer application technology

Seed dressing: first dissolve in hot water, then dilute with cold water to a 2%-3% solution, spray on the seeds with a sprayer, and mix while spraying. Use 2g-6g ammonium molybdate per kilogram of seeds.

Seed soaking: Soak the seeds with 0.05%-0.1% ammonium molybdate solution for 12 hours.

Foliar spray: 0.01%-0.1% ammonium molybdate solution, spray 1-2 times during the seedling and bud stages.

44 crops sensitive to iron

There are soybeans, peanuts, sorghum, sugar beets, spinach, tomatoes, apples and so on.

45 iron fertilizer application technology

Spraying: 0.2%-1% ferrous sulfate;

Root application: mix ferrous sulfate with organic fertilizer in a ratio of 1:10-20 and apply it under the fruit trees;

High-pressure injection method: Inject 0.3%-0.5% ferrous sulfate solution directly into the xylem of the trunk.

46 Crops sensitive to manganese

Leguminous crops, wheat, potatoes, onions, spinach, apples, strawberries, etc.

47Application technology of 47 manganese fertilizer

Spraying: 0.3%-0.4% concentration for fruit trees, 0.03% for leguminous crops, and 0.1% for rice;

Seed dressing: 4 grams of manganese sulfate per kilogram of seeds for gramineous crops, 8g-12g for legumes, and 16g for sugar beet.

48 crops sensitive to zinc

There are corn, rice, sugar beet, flax, cotton, apple, pear, etc.

Applying zinc fertilizer on these crops usually has good fertilizer efficiency.

49 Zinc fertilizer application technology

Base fertilizer: 1-2kg of zinc sulfate per 667m2 can be mixed with physiological acid fertilizer;

Top dressing: spray 0.02%-0.1% zinc sulfate solution for general crops, and use 0.1%-0.5% concentration for corn and rice;

Seed soaking: 0.02%-0.1%, soaking for 12 hours; Seed dressing: 2g-6g zinc sulfate per kilogram of seeds.

50 crops prone to boron deficiency

my country's current crops showing obvious boron deficiency include rape, sugar beet, cotton, cabbage, cabbage, radish, celery, greenhouse cucumber, soybean, apple, pear, peach, etc.

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